Getting back to DAP!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015
This semester I took an amazing masters-level Curriculum Development class! I realized that if I wanted to (be allowed to) teach in a truly developmentally appropriate way, I needed to show my admin that I was meeting standards, first.

I went through and typed up all the standards we cover during routines throughout our day, that don't need to be explicitly taught. Then I compiled the leftovers (explicitly taught) and divvied up when those would be covered. This turned into a neat and simple pacing chart. With only 4 reading standards to focus on each quarter (plus about 6 math and 3 writing), I can justify doing more in-depth project work, science, music, and art!

Here's a copy of the tables I made. Just let me know if you'd like a PDF and I'll send one your way. :)

Note: The Alaska Standards are exactly the same as the Common Core, except for a few additions our lovely state threw in (days of the week, coins, and time to the hour). 

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