Category: spring
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Spring Painting Process Art

Monday, March 21, 2016 1 comment
Spring is coming and the birds are starting to sing again! Today in art, I put out some spring colored tempera, a bouquet of flowers, and a jar of feathers. 

Naturally, the kids started painting birds. This one on the right has a speech bubble that says "peep!" :)

This was so simple and fostered so much conversation about the different color birds children had seen these last few weeks.

It will also be a great lead-up to our birds unit we'll do in a couple of weeks.

Spring Fever!

Thursday, April 16, 2015 No comments
It looks nothing like Spring outside right now, but both students and teachers here are starting to get antsy for summer vacation (5 more weeks!). 

We are at that point where we have more daylight than we know what to do with (sunrise before 8am and sunset after 10pm), which means I can start hiking in the morning before work. Over the weekend I also got my classroom set for Spring, and I love walking in and seeing this every day!

I found this pastel banner on Yellow Bliss Road.

The kite printable is from Tater Tots and Jello. I love adding bits of environmental print like this. The kids will stand around trying to read the words, and then determine the meaning of it. "Miss Sarah, is it Happy Spring now?"

I believe these adorable bunnies were from the same blog. I glued on cotton balls for tails.

It was snowing and blowing outside on this early April day, but the little birds are in fact returning! I added some to my window with strings of yarn and bird cutouts. The idea came from a photo I came across on Flickr.

Happy Spring!